I’ve been completely into Facebook recently, neglecting my blog, sorry. Have you been on the Highcroft Facebook page yet? I love it so much! Did you see that hilarious video last Friday? The one “How to tease you dog”. If my dad had done that to me I would have been mad. Jemma Adams (Pet of the Month) and her wheels are pretty cool too.
We had a bat in this week for a caesarean – I have never seen a bat before, heard lots of scary stuff about them only coming out at night and flying round and round and living upside down and making strange noises. She is called Spikey and had been rescued by Secret World and was with a foster mum. The foster mum noticed that Spikey was getting bigger and bigger and brought it to us for a scan to see if she was pregnant - she was. The baby was enormous, nearly as big as Spikey, but sadly it had died L The good news is that the Spikey is absolutely fine however, she must have been a bit stressed because she bit Vim the vet who then had to go to A&E for a tetanus!
Bye for now, have a good weekend,
Ruby xx